

Ladies’ golf in Kenya started in 1935 when a group of enthusiastic ladies met at Muthaiga Golf Club and mooted the idea of establishing a ladies’ section. KGU gave approval but advised that the ladies form their own union and KLGU was established under its own constitution. The main objective was to promote golf among ladies, which was until then a man’s game. To date, KLGU continues to operate from Muthaiga Golf Club.

In the last 70 years, ladies’ golf in Kenya has grown with membership growing to 1,200. KLGU today looks back at its history with pride and confidence for the future of ladies’ golf in Kenya with the motto; “To develop and promote to the highest possible standards, the collective interests of ladies’ golf at all levels”.


Union History

1932: The first Kenya Ladies Golf Championship is played. Mary Leonard wins the Championship.

1935: A group of lady golf enthusiasts elect delegates to represent them in a meeting with the KGU to discuss forming a ladies’ golf union.

A Ladies Union is formed.

The East Africa Ladies Golf Union (EALGU) is formed, incorporating players in Uganda and Tanganyika. 

The EALGU changes its name to Kenya Ladies Golf Union (KLGU) with Uganda and Tanzania affiliated to the KLGU.

Clem Ndungu is elected as the first African Chairman.

1994: KLGU hosts the second All Africa Challenge Trophy with entries from 11 countries.

1996: KLGU hosts the first East Africa Trophy in a match between Kenya and Tanzania.

Rose Naliaka wins a record 7th Kenya Ladies Golf Championship after wins in 2002, 2000, 1999, 1998 1994 and 1991.

Kellie Gachaga becomes the youngest ever winner of the Kenya Ladies Golf Championship.